Thursday, February 07, 2008

I need to restart writing stuff

I just got inspired by this really close friend of mine to start writing. Again.
I would think of things to write about, but would never get around to doing it. I have doing problems. Oh these great ideas go to such a pitiful waste that it pains me to even think of them anymore.
Ok so here goes, I will restart this blog with all the confidence I have and show with dogged character that the do-able will be done indomitably.
I think the last blog that I write was about 3 years ago when this whole "blogging" thing was such a fad and people just had to go and create a blog for themselves and use the word "blog" once every two days.
I read it again sometime ago, it sounded like an angry young man's complaint about small things in life. The language was a bit too harsh and indecent ,not really palatable to the innocent ears (eyes??). Hmm I just realized I used three sense references in one sentence.

The time is 2008 February. The US presidential race is heating up faster than we can say
"Look !!Global Warming!". There is a lot of unrest around the world and it's been happening at such a fast pace. Somehow, there's a lot more happening now than ever before! Well that's just because we are forced to pay attention as we grow up and are facilitated by technology that feeds information to us like a huge cauldron of info stew pouring endless amounts of knowledge into our hungry brains. (again multiple sense references!..)

For me really the most important change that's happened is that I've changed my diet slightly. I've switched to brown rice and sugar, looking at food labels more closely than ever before and starting to understand that the lesser number of ingredients something has, the better it is.
I dread buying ready to eat food anymore. The up shot of this is that I find myself in the kitchen more often that I would like to be, washing dishes and cooking fresh food. For instance I made a nice carrot soup today. What!!! I would have never made things like that about a year ago.

I came across ( I knew it existed but never really went to it and read it!). I must say it has quite a few things that interest me. I should also credit for giving me time on the web to spend usefully.

OK, I just realized I'm writing a diary about myself. Neither am I being poetic nor addressing a specific issue. So I will leave it at this and continue tomorrow.
Adios- V